Tuesday 26 June 2012

Theresa vs Kreia

It’s the battle of creepy creepy (blind) mentors! In case you don’t know, I’ll fill you in on the case.

Know Fable? Well, if you don’t, it’s a game franchise with a character named Theresa as your mentor. But only in Fable II and III. Look it up. Anyway, she’s a Hero, and can use magic to see the future. You could call her the right hand woman of fate itself. Oh, and she had her eyes gouged out by bandits. So she’s a “blind seer” which fits her role as a mentor. Plus, she has her own tower to lock herself into to “look into the future.”She’s a bit mystical and cryptic, and she knows everything, but at the same time, she’s pretty damn cool.

And then we come to Kreia, hailing from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Man, that title was long. Anyway, you might’ve heard of Star Wars: The Old Republic, which is sorta the sequel to KOTOR II (this’ to shorten up the name). But still, KOTOR II is better. Anyway, Kreia is complex. Seriously, there is so much stuff surrounding her, I could make a post dedicated to the complexity of Kreia. Actually, good thought there… She is a very deep character. And she’s creepy. Her eyeballs are just … ewww. Anyway, she is very darkside. Well, at least that’s what we assume anyway. She’s also called Darth Traya too, and she gets creepier. Basically, she acts as your mentor, and has very controversial agendas to uphold, and she manipulates people from the shadows. Very … creepy. She’s powerful in the Force too, and has some seriously mind-blowing knowledge; she also has the power to predict the future when she’s at a special (read: evil) place called the Traya Academy.

Anyway, let’s pit these two creepy old women against each other!

Who’s Creepier?


Hmm… As much as her lack of eyeballs freaks me out … Well, she’s definitely creepy, and she has a habit of teleporting to you at random and inconvenient times. Plus, half the time, you have no idea why she’s doing something, or why she manipulated people to do things, and used them like puppets. But then again, if Theresa is creepy, then Kreia must make you scarred for life!


Creeped out yet?
Seriously, there’s creepy, then there’s Kreia. The entire game, you have no idea why she does things, and you can’t even tell if she’s evil or not; she’s just … mysterious. Really mysterious. Her motives are, even after her explanation at the endgame, unclear, and she’s just presented as a manipulative, cold witch. Even the characters pick up on this. They’re just as freaked out as the player.

Who’s Stronger?


Prophetic abilities, check. Can kill people using magic, check. Typical. Theresa is magically gifted, but she rarely ever uses magic to harm or beat up baddies. I’d love to know her full extent of magical warfare, but unfortunately, not possible.

She does has some cool magic though. Like teleporting at moments she shouldn’t.


Apparently, Kreia once held the universe by the throat...
Umm… You actually get to level her up in the game so … You could just leave her at Level 1 forever, but you’d be dumb. Seriously, as the last boss, she is strong. Every single dark side power. She also has incredible insight, and her use of the Force makes Yoda look like a real noob. She also has prophetic ability, and is just … powerful. She’s just made to look invincible. Except when you kill her. Even then, she has great endurance; she lived through the entire game without her left hand. No blood or anything, she just bears with it. Plus, she can really take a beating. As shown in multiple cutscenes.

Who’s Awesomer?


Well, when I say awesomer, it’s a bit vague. I’m talking in a very general tone, so basically, Theresa is pretty awesome. She’s presented as this all-knowing, and manipulative figure, who thinks only of the greater good. Neither good nor evil. Plus, the way she stands is cool. And I love her name. She also acts as a pretty good mentor in general, and it’s like she’s a real teacher. Oh, and she’s immortal. Pretty damn cool.


What can I say? Wields the Force, wears Jedi robes (sort of), and uses a lightsaber! I like it! Kreia’s just a really impactful character in general, mostly because of her murky motives, and just the presentation of her actions and dialogue. Oh, the dialogue. It’d be a shame if Kreia was mute, and note blind … but then again, she’s telepathic. Derp face. Anyway, she’s got a lot of interesting stuff to say, and it really relates to the player. And she’s a frickin’ Jedi/Sith.

Who’s Deeper?


We haven’t explored all of her character in the games, but Theresa’s pretty much the most complex character in Fable. Her motives in general, are pretty questionable, and she’s got a rich history and connections in Fable.

Deep indeed...

If you thought Theresa was deep, look at Kreia. I cannot describe it. I just can’t. She wins the “Character with Most Depth” award. There is so much history, tales, philosophical ideals, and motives with Kreia. It is unbelievable.

Who’s Got The Better Outfit?


For some reason, I reaaalllyy like her outfit. It’s like a gypsy witch, or something; I’ve got a picture. It gives you a slight chill. It’s like a dress, sort of thing, with a hood, with bangles, and rings, and beads. Like a soothsayer.


As much as the brown robes fit her, they’re not quite as epic as Theresa’s. They look mysterious, but not awesome. They look … alright.


Kreia: 4 Points

Theresa: 1 Point

So Kreia is the winner!


Bad luck Theresa…. But then again, you’re pretty much just a copy of Kreia anyway. I’m pretty sure Fable II came out after KOTOR II anyway.

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