Tuesday 5 June 2012

It's E3! - Part 1

Hey all! It’s E3!
If you miss out on this, you really suck. Jokes. No, you're just missing out. Actually, no, you do suck if you miss this. So hurry up and look it up on IGN!

This post is totally irrelevant, but anyway … Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony have all displayed their line of (awesome looking) games!

So, here are a couple of things I noted, and what I think of them:

·         There are some really reaaallly great looking games there. And here they are (most of these are the ones I’m interested in):
o    Assassin’s Creed III
o   The Last of Us
o   Beyond: Two Souls
o   Halo 4
o   Dead or Alive 5
o   Tomb Raider
o   Super Mario Bros Wii U

·         The Wii U’s tablet controller thingy is now slightly more awesome – there’s the addition of the “Pro” controller … which is in the exact shape of an Xbox 360 controller. Literally. It’s just that the “A, X, B, Y,” buttons and the Right Control Stick swapped positions. Oh, and the Wii U comes in black. Thank god. And not to mention Nintendo is also creating the Miiverse, universes for people with completely flat faces, and hardly interact unless you’re playing Wii Sport or the sequel. Anyway, they seem to be covering up for the Wii’s blunder of bad online and console universe. Which I think is an interesting proposition actually. It sounds pretty appealing to me.

Hmm... What does this remind me of...?
·         Sony seems to have a lineup of some really … unusual games, but mixed in with some real beauties (Assassin’s Creed, The Last of Us, Tomb Raider *cough cough) mixed in.

·         Microsoft is extending the ol’ 360 from just Xbox to Kinect, and now to SmartGlass … which is so cool, I’d scream in your ears … but that’s just not nice. Anyway, it looks like you can connect your iPhone/iPad/similar thing to it, and use that as a controller. Sounds great, huh? But apparently, you can connect it to the Internet as well, and there’s all this complicated stuff that sounds interesting … but you should look it up in case you’re interested. Anyway, I reckon it’s a great idea, and it’s a smart one too.

Must've taken them all day to think of a name like "SmartGlass."

·         For some reason (actually it’s pretty obvious), a lot of games/companies are trying to copy each other discreetly (well, when I say “discreetly,” it’s actually really really obvious.). A whole ton of games like The Last of Us and Tomb Raider are all trying to copy off Uncharted, and Nintendo seems to have run out of innovative designs and is gunning for the Xbox Controller look. Sony’s trying to get the PS3 to connect to the PSVita … while Microsoft is going further and wants to get ALL (I mean it) kinds of iPhones/iPads/etc to connect to the 360. So yeah, a whole ton of copying.

The best thing ever invented. The only thing left to do after this is to press "Synonyms" and change everything.

Anyway, get back onto IGN (or any other site; it’s just that I like using IGN) and start going through E3! I’ll be sure to post more about my own thoughts on E3; this was just a quick overview!

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