Saturday 9 June 2012

It's E3! - Part 2

Ok! E3 is over now! And personally, I reckon it was a pretty interesting year – there’re some really promising looking games and new consoles and old consoles with new and absolutely great additions that have been really mind-blowing.

So, I’ll give my own opinion. Because I just feel like it. Yup.

Now, I think I’ll just give a general overview of what I thought of E3:

General Overview – My Opinion

This year could’ve been better. Well, we always say that, and then next year, we end up saying “oh, last year’s E3 was so much better.”

Just to say, there is an outrageous amount of new games I simply MUST get my hands on. I mean it. Seriously, there are so many fantastic looking games there. The only problem isn’t the fantastic, but more like the lack of innovative and new. True, there are a few scattered new ideas, but a lot of what was shown at E3 was really just the old with a fresh coat of paint and a few new tricks up its sleeve.

And for some reason, gaming is taking a darker turn. Well, you might not know what I mean by that, but take a good look around.

A huge list of games all seem to want to have that “grittier, darker, more mature” feel to it. I can make a huge list of these; it’s usually on Nintendo that fixes this, and churns out some original, and yet family friendly content that suits everyone.

That, and copy and paste. Who doesn’t love it? Even big gaming companies seem to like it too. The entire action/adventure genre is turning towards Uncharted, (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing … hehe…) Sony and Nintendo are copying Microsoft (sort of), and fighting games seem to be copying each other.

So, E3 2012! It’s … a bit messy, and maybe not what we all hyped it up to be.

Just so say, I'll provide more of my opinion on E3 - this post is just an overview! More to come, on my opinion of E3! Next up are my thoughts on those big companies!

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