Friday 15 June 2012

It's E3! - Part 3

So this time, I’ll go over how some of the big companies went through E3! This year has been … unusual, but still very interesting.

Well, I guess I’ll stop dragging this on, and start! 

Overall, Nintendo’s showcasing of their Wii U was interesting and definitely had some good concepts, maybe not awesomely mind-blowing like with the Wii. But I’m not saying you should be disinterested in the Wii U. Oh no you don’t. Don’t you dare be un-excited. In fact, be very excited. It’s a great console, with great graphics, great games, great in-built avatar system, so what’s not to like?

I think Microsoft did fine. Maybe it wasn’t the centre of attention, but it did well in capturing my interest with the SmartGlass. Fine additions, that have adapted to the modern age, but it feels like they should’ve done this a while ago. Not bad, but I think I’ll wait ‘till when Xbox 720 is coming my way to finally start looking back at Microsoft.

Uh, apparently, the phone controls the tablet,  and the tablet controls the controller,  and the controller is also hooked up to the screen, and so is the phone. Oh, and you can do this while you're in the shower. I think.
Sony’s show at E3 was … not that good. Besides one great game, and a struggling attempt at using J.K Rowling’s fanbase and trying to squeeze on last drop of value out of the thing that copied the Wii, it didn’t really interest me. Just go back to looking at Nintendo. It’s more interesting anyway.
Just saying, this was the only interesting thing about Sony's presentation overall. Seriously, this game is awesome.

Ok! Next up in this series, are specific games! And trust me, gaming’s taking a darker, more mature view on games…. 


  1. I personally think Nintendo and Sony had about an equal E3 showing, maybe with the slight edge going to Nintendo. For me, they were both a little boring at times, but overall, they showed me games that I want to play. (Pikmin, New Super Mario Bros. U, Scribblenauts, and NintendoLand for Nintendo. The Last of Us, God of War, and Playstaton Allstars for Sony. Curious about Beyond. I'll have to see more of it.)

    Microsoft on the other hand didn't appeal to me at all outside of Halo 4 and South Park really. They spent most of their time talking about Nike, ESPN, Univision, Usher, and other multimedia functions. I think it's great that those options are available, but I think they would be more appropriate for a show like CES instead.

    Nintendo and Sony were kind of confusing on some of their choices though. Why spend such long segments on NintendoLand and Wonderbook when you have games like Project P-100 and Sly 4 in the wings? I think if both Nintendo and Sony cut five or six minutes from their NintendoLand/Wonderbook segments and replaced them with Project P-100/Sly 4, their E3s would have been a lot more interesting overall, even if it was only one extra game for both of them.

    1. Aw I forgot to say great post during my views! It was a good short and to the point post, summarizing all of E3. I'll be sure to keep reading and checking in for updates!

    2. Thanks for commenting!

      Personally, the big companies didn't do quite as well as I wanted, and I ended up being more interested by Ubisoft, Naughty Dog, and Quantic Dream. They had some great game displays, and I really liked what they did with them.

      And again, thanks for commenting! Just asking, are you going to write a review soon? Or another E3 post?

    3. Yeah, I agree. The big three were kind of underwhelming this year while Ubisoft's conference really stole the show for me.

      And right now I'm playing through both Super Metroid and Tales of Symphonia for reviews. The Super Metroid review should be up by the end of the week at the latest. I'm not writing any E3 related posts right now though.
