Friday 22 June 2012

Excalibur Brothers - Link

We all like reading a great review posted up on IGN or Gamespot, or whatever site you use. Watching a review is good too, right?

How about watching a review that is absolutely awesome, picks up on the stuff that’s actually interesting to know, and most of all, has great (British) voiceovers? Enter Excalibur Brothers and their Excalibur Reviews. They’ve also done work in the abridged field, and they’ve covered Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and they’re currently doing Mass Effect. They’ve even done some reviews on movies, and a bit of music work too. All of this work is posted up on Youtube, and also their site – here’s a link:

Well ... their name IS Excalibur Brothers ... Anyway, this' just the site name...

If there’s a reviewer out there who deserves attention, it’s Excalibur Brothers. You must click on it. No, really, they have brilliant videos, and there’s only about 300, 000 views or so. Which really sucks, because they put a lot of effort into these videos, and they deserve it.

So what’re you waiting for, click on the link! You’re missing out!

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