Thursday 9 August 2012

Dead or Alive: Is it Dead or Alive?

We all know how games franchises and their companies can fall from grace easily, (think Sega) but is the overly sexualised fighter Dead or Alive one of those who have snuffed it? No, not really.

Made by the creators of Ninja Gaiden, Team Ninja of Tecmo Koei, Dead or Alive is one of those games that don’t shine above the rest, but then again, aren’t technical disasters. Yep, just in the middle. So why is it still fighting fit? Well first of all, it’s actually a pretty good game in general, though it’s no Tekken or Virtua Fighter. It also has a fairly good fanbase out there, and just like the Fable series, has a creator with a big mouth (I’m looking at you Molyneux). In this case, you get Tomonobu Itagaki. He pretty much defines the word “blunt” – he hates Tekken, and has overtly said so … many times over.

Anyway, Dead or Alive’s taken a few heavy hits: a 6 year hiatus + loss of original creator + new director made a mess of Ninja Gaiden 3.

So as you can see, not a great spot to be in. BUT! It seems that Yousuke Hayashi (new director) is starting to be smart now. And now, Dead or Alive 5 is coming to town!

You noticed the cool explosion and character pose, before the boobs, didn't you!

Anyway, Dead or Alive 5 is now considered to have a good fanbase now, and trust me, I’ve seen a school newsletter say that “it’s one of the big games coming up.” Just saying, E3’s made Dead or Alive 5 much bigger. An entire tournament was made for Dead or Alive, which probably boosted the audience. Not only that, but the exhibition turned out pretty well too.

Adding onto that, Dead or Alive 5 has stuck in a few new things, such as Power Blows, which are like super moves but less super, Critical Bursts, new Danger Zones, meaning the stage design is skyrocketing, Cliffhangers, which are exactly what they sound like, and graphics. Oh, the graphics. Dead or Alive 5 is taking a much more mature and realistic turn here. It’s like everything has improved. And people have noticed this new fighter coming along.

Yes... DOA5 is much more mature ... And obviously, they include "sensual swimsuits" in the special edition...

With a strengthened fanbase from E3, and much more improved design, Dead or Alive 5 is being released on September 25 (in my region). So, dead or alive? Definitely alive.

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