Monday 6 August 2012

4 Common Mistakes in Gaming

Yes, we all play games. And most of us make some of the dumbest mistakes while playing them, which ruins the experience of the game ... unless you’re playing a terrible game, which I recommend you don’t do.

1)    Spoilers

You might think that avoiding spoilers is incredibly easy, but trust me, it’s actually not. One day I might be looking for the solution of a really frustrating puzzle, (I’d probably be playing Legend of Zelda) and then I stumble on the solution in a walkthrough ... and one line down, is a huge storyline giveaway. That’s happened too many times to me now... Unless you’re the type who likes knowing everything, spoilers are an absolute don’t in gaming.

2)    Rushing

I see this everywhere. People can’t wait a second for good parts in a game, and just trade it off ... with more battling. It’s really sad to see such interesting bits wasted, and usually it’s dialogue which is passed over. Some games, like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and its equally dialogue-intensive sequel, feature some fantastic dialogue, and I’ve seen people just plough through it. And then they don’t know what to do next.

Although, skipping over side quests, and just generally avoiding the subtler parts of a game can be considered rushing; not something I’d do.

3)    Cheats (depends on game/gamer)

This little mistake is stuck on every big gaming site, and although it’s pretty dependent on games and the gamer, it pretty much defeats the purpose of a game. You’re meant to get stronger, and feel like you are growing with your character ... not start out with 9999 HP and 9999 MP.

4)    Getting angry

Awwww.... Having a little temper tantrum, are we? How cute.

Well, maybe you won’t look as freaky as this kid here, but you’ll probably be angry enough to throw a brick at me. So if a puzzle/battle/annoying glitch/etc bogs you down, don’t worry. Be happy. I’d tell the kid to be happy too. When you’re angry, you tend to miss out on important messages, and you panic a lot more easily. Generally, you just don’t play as well as you normally do.

So you hopefully have an image of what NOT to do when you're playing games, yeah?

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