Tuesday 14 August 2012

7 Kinds of People Who Play Dating Sims

Ok, so we all know there are hundreds of types of games (well, kind of anyway.). Now, one of the most … interesting kinds are dating sims. Most people generally don’t go there, and when you hear someone you know is playing one … it’s just … facepalm moment.

You KNOW it's a dating sim when incredibly attractive people talk to you in perfect poses, with text at the bottom, and choices to pick...

Now what kind of people play it? Well, that’s obvious, but it might just be interesting to know … for all I know, the person next to you, or even some random stalker you have may be playing dating sims…

(Note: To people who play dating sims, I respect you, and I am not trying to demean you in any way. If you are hurt during the reading of this post, I am deeply sorry. If you don’t like it, please don’t read it. That was a very long note indeed.)

1.    People who are … unattractive to the opposite (or same) gender

To be fair, I included gay/lesbian gamers, because they exist too, but anyway… Generally, this is one of the most common types of people who play dating sims – they fulfil their love lives with non-existent people …who are attracted to them because their programming told them to.

2.    People who can’t get boyfriends/girlfriends

Uh… This is fairly similar to the first one, but still… You could be very attractive but might not be successful in love. Anyway, as I said, people who fit under this category drown their sorrows in programmed love.

3.    People who actually LIKE dating sims (generally very lovey-dovey)

Now, this is a bit rare, but you could just simply enjoy dating sims for what they are – a window into life’s best. Dating sims aren’t necessarily bad, and so there still is a fanbase … kind of.

4.    People who are extreme gamers, and are looking to play every type of game

Ok, I’m kidding. This section probably doesn’t exist.

5.    People who are “preparing” for love

Normally, I'd say something more sentimental, but the boy in this picture probably had practice with dating sims ... ok, maybe not. Love level x 9999!
Another really random one. But it could be possible, you know! Boys/girls who are a bit younger might be trying to get some “practice” before the real deal… which sounds a bit inappropriate for them, but hey, practice makes perfect, right?

6.    People who were introduced to dating sims by friends (who have been converted)

Wow… This post has a whole bunch of random ones. But yes, you could’ve been converted by one of your lovey-dovey friends into playing dating sims, as strange it sounds.

7.    Girls between ages 12 – 17

This isn’t exactly a type of person, but I’ll include it anyway. Well, I think anyway. Generally, girls in that age group are all in a constant love mood. (I’m being very stereotypical here…) Of course, males play dating sims too ... except they generally don't admit it.

This was totally random, by the way. But now you know what kinds of people play dating sims! If you fall under one of these categories … good luck getting that dream/virtual person!

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