Saturday 21 July 2012

Super Smash Bros - Fighter Origins: Part 2

This is the second part of a three part article! So check out the previous one in case you missed it!

Time to introduce the backgrounds of the new fighters! The “new fighters” is basically a character who hasn’t brawled before in the Super Smash Bros. series.

·         Pit
First Appearance: Kid Icarus

OMG! It's Link with brown hair and in angel form! ... Oh, it's only Pit.

Ah, Pit. How long have you been asleep in the cold, cold corners of Nintendo’s archives? Well, actually, you’ve been asleep for 20 years or so, and apparently, you’re still quite alive in Kid Icarus: Uprising. Ah well.

·         Wario
First Appearance: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

Like a boss.

Wario’s come quite a bit from his debut; he’s got his own mini-series, and has a place in the Super Smash Bros world. Also, his outfit’s different in his first appearance; he had Mario’s outfit, but yellow and purple.

·         Zero Suit Samus
First Appearance: Metroid

You won't believe the number of porn images for Zero Suit Samus.

… Does anyone else think that Samus should wear something less skin-tight when she’s not in armor? Anyway, Zero Suit Samus and Samus are the same person obviously, but Zero Suit Samus isn’t quite so good at fighting. I mean, the lack of a cool spacesuit thingy, energy canons, bombs, and etc is a big loss in firepower.

·         Ike
First Appearance: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

+ 100 Coolness Points

Not too many people I hear of play Fire Emblem … actually, most people I know haven’t ever heard of Fire Emblem. But it’s not much of a surprise that he’s here – Marth’s going to get lonely without Roy (reference to Melee). Anyway, Ike is pretty cool.

·         Pokemon Trainer
First Appearance: Pokemon Red/Blue

Go! Pokemon Trainer! Use Throw Pokeball!

The Pokemon Trainer! Well, it’s more of a combination between Charizard, Ivysaur, and Squirtle, but the actual Trainer appears as well. He hasn’t appeared since Pokemon Colosseum, I believe, but he seems to have gone completely unchanged. Well, aside from the slight graphical updates, but yeah … just the same.

·         Diddy Kong
First Appearance: Donkey Kong Country

Ok, who let Diddy Kong eat chocolate?
Donkey Kong’s little version of himself, Diddy Kong appeared in Donkey Kong Country, as a companion. Funny, pretty much all the small fighters in Super Smash Bros. tend to be sidekicks…There was quite a history about Diddy Kong; Rare (a game company) got the rights to make a new Donkey Kong way back, and the concept of Diddy Kong came about; Nintendo didn’t exactly love it though. But good ol’ Miyamoto actually liked it and gave them some pointers; that’s how Diddy Kong came to be.

·         Meta Knight
First Appearance: Kirby’s Adventure

Just saying, Meta Knight looks just like Kirby underneath all this.

Has anyone else noted that behind all of Meta Knight’s armour and accessories, he looks just like Kirby, only blue? Anyway, he appeared in Kirby’s Adventure, quite a few years ago as a rival for Kirby. To be more exact, Kirby/Meta Knight’s relationship is a bit … odd. Sometimes, they’re bitter rivals, best of comrades, or just plain normal. It … varies a lot.

·         King Dedede
First Appearance: Kirby’s Dreamland

A self-proclaimed king of Dreamland… Sounds like a great job. Well, at least, it sounded good to King Dedede, so he took up the position in Kirby’s Dreamland. And when I say that, I mean that he doesn’t actually do any king-like jobs, like knighting people, making taxes, or making kingdom-changing decisions. And even then the people don’t actually follow his orders anyway. So yeah … he’s just called himself a king. Kinda redundant.

·         Pikmin / Olimar
First Appearance: Pikmin

I was actually pretty surprised Olimar / Pikmin made it into Super Smash Bros – they’re not exactly fighter material in their own games. Pikmin had you doing strange and creative things … or both at the same time, while Super Smash Bros descends in a clutter of moves, and people flying away.

Next in the series, I’ll cover secret characters’ backgrounds! 

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