Wednesday 18 July 2012

Fi vs Siri!

Out of all of my posts, this has got to be the most random; it’s Fi (as in, the sword spirit who plays the “robotic servant” act in Zelda: Skyward Sword) pitted against a very … interesting application known as Siri! Only on iPhone 4S and iPad 3rd Generation, unfortunately.

Anyway, seeing how they are both robotic servants, (well, one’s a magical spirit residing in a sword, and the other is a series of knowledge navigation and language interface, blah blah blah) I thought, why not see who’s better? Now, I know, it’s not your normal post; this is quite a special article here, as an apology for not posting in a while!

So, it’s a random battle between the graceful and useful Fi, against the lovely and fun-to-talk-to Siri!



Remember Midna from Twilight Princess? Well, as interesting and deep as she was, she wasn’t exactly the most helpful companion really. Fi fixes that bit. No, seriously, there are about a billion options you can select with Fi, it’s like working with a robot or something. Which Fi kinda is … but yeah, whatever. Her advice is always helpful, except when you’re in boss battles and she just repeats what she says. Which does get annoying. But her advice is always useful. Yup. And it’s designed to be perfectly balanced too; it doesn’t give everything away, but it helps too. Fi is really useful in general!


The technology in Siri is really quite amazing … but then again, this isn’t a tech blog, so I won’t go off on a tangent here. But you can do quite a lot of interesting stuff with Siri, like setting reminders, calling people, playing music, etc (all this kinda stuff you’ve heard before), and even killing boredom. (only works once or twice before it gets old though.) Useful, but we kinda never use it anyway. Unfortunately, it is just a robot thingy, so it won’t be able to process everything and anything…



Uh… There’s about zero moments where Fi shows a personality. I think Nintendo wasted all of their personality juices when they were designing Midna. And yes, I reference a lot to past games. But yeah … Fi is a robot. In the literal sense. Well, besides the fact she’s a magical sword spirit, but let’s not worry about details, yeah?


Gotta love it when you ask dumb questions with Siri; she’s such a charmer. Just saying, she won’t ever accept marriage proposals; she’s like that. She’s just got this undeniable charisma about her, especially if you talk to her a lot. She’s cool, and never seems to be flustered. But then again, she’s a phone. It’s a bit hard to explain through words, but if you talk to her … you’ll see. It’s quite a subtle thing.



Er… this is like saying Fi’s got a great personality. As she (read: it) would say, “According to my calculations, there is 90% chance that you will not be interested in what I say.” That’s how it goes. There’s about one funny moment where another robot falls in love with Fi. I don’t see what’s good in Fi … but yeah, whatever. Not saying that Fi’s bad though. Just … without a personality.


Read the picture. It’s more than enough.



Well, Fi does do random dances … on walls, when you receive magical songs ... that’s cool, right? Nah, jokes. Anyway, her overall concept is pretty cool in general, and she looks damn good without arms. Oh, and the endgame. Fi has some fantastic moments. Really, she does.


Well, you ARE talking to your iPhone. That’s pretty neat, yeah? Anyway, Siri is cool. Everything about her is cold and calculated. Even her great sense of humour. Only problem is, I want to know what she looks like… but Siri’s not answering. Boo! Hiss!



There is some amount of interest you’ll get by obtaining a sword spirit. Fi does have a backstory in all of this, but you get over it. She’s not extremely deep, but there is a bit on how “she’s learning emotions” instead of being Miss Calculator of Obviousness. But still, not much.


Well… kinda like Fi. Siri isn’t a human/robotical sword spirit so she isn’t meant to be really deep; she has some interesting statements to make … but neither one wins this section.

So … here we are!

Fi = 2 points
Siri = 2 points

It’s a draw! First time too! The two characters are pretty similar, so not surprising. Personally, I kinda like Siri more … but yeah, whatever.

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