Friday 3 August 2012

Peach vs Zelda!

It’s the battle of the princesses! Today, we have Princess Peach, of the Mario series, battling against Princess Zelda, of The Legend of Zelda! I’ll be comparing the princesses against each other, and we’ll see who is more princess-ish in the gaming world! And as a special honour to our lovely ladies, they get their own special layout! And of course, as a tribute to Peach, I’ve made it all pink. And for Zelda … well, she should be glad I put it in a table format. But let’s get to it now!

Is she … a fruit? Nah, kidding. It's fitting, but ... I wish it sounded better.
Sounds awesome! Zelda really is an original and magical sounding name, and it just has this nice ring to it, no?
Well, half the time, Bowser’s got her locked up or something like that … But there’s still Super Princess Peach... 
Pretty much Peach’s story, except in Spirit Tracks. Zelda actually becomes your companion, like Midna and Navi.
… A frypan? Really? At least she slaps hard in Super Smash Bros. Seriously, being kidnapped in every game isn't a good show of strength.
Apparently, she’s good at archery, and in Super Smash Bros, she’s got the power to put Ganondorf back in his place.
A bit on the cartoony side… Peach is more of a ditzy kind of character so ... yeah. She does have moments, but not quite the same grandeur as Zelda.
In most games, there's always this sense of grandness and coolness when you hear "Princess Zelda." Excepting Skyward Sword.
While she looks a bit ... nyeh, Peach actually has a beautiful personality; kindly, noble, and sweet. And unlike Zelda, Peach has had many many moments where she's shown great personality.
Well, most of the time, Zelda is locked up or simply not there, but some games show her as this kind, honourable spirit, who does everything good. Unfortunately, there's not enough of that.

Here are the results!

Peach – 2 point
Zelda – 3 points

Zelda wins! Personally, I like Zelda a bit better, but Peach isn't bad either. They're both good examples of benevolent rulers of their kingdoms, and they're just great characters in general. It was a pretty good idea for a post, right?

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